Station Metadata

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Fire Management Zone/Area
Fire Weather Zone
Predictive Service Area


Active Stations in green
Stopped1 Stations in red
QC Stopped2 Stations in purple
Inactive Stations in gray3

1 Stopped stations are active for the season, but are not processing CFFDRS at this time.
2 QC Stopped stations are stopped and their data are hidden for a temporary period.
3 Inactive stations are shown in a second table below the active/stopped station table.

Station ID WIMS ID Station Name Latitude Longitude Elevation [feet] FMA/Z FWZ PSA Status Description/Moretext

Inactive Station Table

The following stations are listed as inactive. This means we do not expect any data from them this season.

Station ID WIMS ID Station Name Latitude Longitude Elevation [feet] FMA/Z FWZ PSA Status Description/Moretext
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